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Friday, 6 May 2011

Marketing Your Blog With Forums

So after doing a lot of research and testing one technique for generating traffic that I found to work best for me is to generate traffic through forums. It is important however that the forums that you do participate in are do followforums.  You can find a list of them here in one of my previous posts.
So how do you generate traffic with forums?
There are a couple ways you can generate traffic with forums.  The main ways you can generate traffic are through links in signatures, review links (in particular threads), and through increased rank from search engines because of the do follow links in the forum.   When trying to generate traffic with forums you need to be careful though not to get banned.  This is something that can happen easily if you do not follow the rules of the board.  This actually happened to me recently because I posted a link in the body of a forum post and they deemed it as self promotion and didn’t take to kindly to it.  So I was given a temporarily ban on that forum.  So be warned that you do need to follow the rules if you don’t want to be banned.
So what forums work for me?
After trying a few ones the two I find that I like the best are DigitalPoint andSitePoint.  The reason why I like these two in particular are because they are do followforums and they have a lot of traffic.  The type of forums that have very little visitors are very unlikely to send you a lot of traffic to your website.  So what I do is try to be as active as possible in these blogs and as a result get traffic from the members of the forums.  Also a neat feature of DP (DigitalPoint forums) is that if you have an Google Adsense account you can also get a share of the ads shown on an thread you participate in.  Therefore if you are a very active member of the boards you have a chance to make money with your Google Adsense account on the forum as well.  Usually you don’t get a ton of earnings but it is still worth setting up.
So test this out for yourself.  Market your blog with forums.  If done right it can generate plenty of traffic to your blog and you will be on your way to a successful career as a blogger.


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