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Saturday, 7 May 2011

5 Fantastic Ways To Improve Your Blog Writing Skills … This Instant

So one of the many things a lot of bloggers struggle with is their writing skills and making copy that is concise and easy to read.
Lots of people say the best way to success as a blogger is to just write quality content and lots of it.
However if you’ve tried this technique you’ve probably already figured out that just spamming your blog with tons of content is just not enough.
You need to keep a couple crucial points in mind when writing so that you make your blog easy to read and keep your readers coming back for more.

1. Keep Your Writing Short

You can take this two ways. You can keep your line lengths short which helps and you can from time to time keep your blog posts short as well.
You need to get in to the post and give the message and quickly as possible in the easiest to read manor for your readers.
You want to write something that is interesting to your readers but also easy on the eyes so they can scan the computer screen quickly and get what information they want from the blog post.
You want to try and make plenty of breaks in your sentences and you want to keep your lines to around 100 characters if possible to your readers can get through the line easily.

2. Be Clear And Concise

You need to be concise and clear when writing your blog posts. This is something I struggle with a lot with my blog with my rambling paragraphs.
You want to keep your sentences short and easy to read instead of long and convoluted.
It is very likely if you write long, hard to read paragraphs you will lose your readers attention and they will leave your blog all together.
Try to learn to write things in a short manor so that you get out what you want to say quickly and efficient.  The reader will appreciate receiving the information more quickly.

3. Stick To 3

This is something not many people try to do when writing their blogs.
If you can stick to a structure of 3 you can be better off most of the time. 3 bullet points, 3 steps, 3 mini-paragraphs.
You can get to the point quickly and systematically and it will be easy for the reader to get what they want and keep moving forward.

4. Write About Sex, Food, and Danger

You should be writing about things that interest people and these are three topics that are usually on everybody’s mind.
Just like my post about sexiness driving traffic to my blog. If you write about it and relate it to your topic people will come.
People want to know about Food and Danger as well. Things that keep peoples attention are great and easy to read topics for the most part.

5. Break Up Your Posts

This is one of my biggest issues with some of my old blog posts (as well as my new ones).
You have to break up your blog posts with spaces, graphics, and bullet points. Whatever it takes to make the content more readable.
It is very difficult on the eyes to read large chunks of content at once. I usually give up myself when I see it so why would others read my blog content in that format?
Keep it simple with lots of space, subheadings, and very short paragraphs.
As you can see writing in the fashion I am writing in right now is a lot easier to read.


In summary you need to do the following to make your blog posts more readable and interesting.
Write about sex, food, and danger!
Break up your blog posts in to short easy to read lines, bullet points, and subheadings.
Be very clear and concise.
Stick to three’s.
Keep you writing short (lines and blog posts).


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