Struggling to make a great blog? Wondering why you don’t have much success with your blog? Well maybe it is because you are going about it in the wrong way. Here are a couple tips you can use to change your blog and make it a successful one. Please keep in mind that a successful blog isn’t built overnight though. It takes a lot of dedication to make your blog a success. It could possible take only 6 months or it could take 5 years. The point is that you need to keep at it until its a success. If you honestly think the current blog you’ve built isn’t working then start free with a new blog and new topic but don’t quit overall. Learn as much as you can from everyone and go from there. So without anymore delay here are 5 Proven Tips To Help You Create A Successful Blog.
Tip #1: Make sure you have an opinion on something and take a stand! Don’t faulter from what you think or know. If you are wishy washy people won’t really care what you are talking about. Go up against the tough guys and say this is what I believe and I am sticking to it!
Tip #2: Don’t be scared to make money for blogging. Isn’t that the whole point of you reading my site in the first place? If you want to make money on your blog then put up aggressive products/ads/etc in places where all the visitors can see it right now. Popup a form right away for first time visitors and get them to signup for your email mailer and provide them with a free book. Put a Google Adsense ad block at the top of the page where people can see it. You are here to make money so make it happen. Why shouldn’t you get paid for your hard work of maintaining your blog? I think you have the right!
Tip #3: Be different from the rest of the blogs out there. Even if it is obvious you are trying to be different then everyone else still do it. You need to have your own niche within this saturated Internet that we now browse. People post tons of content every day and search engines need to go through all this information. So make yourself different and your content unique if you can. It will work out for you in the long run.
Tip #4: Piss people off. Be controversial. If you write about things people don’t agree with they will follow you and have to comment on whatever it is that you are talking about. They find that type of information interesting and entertaining even though they don’t like you. Just be careful who you piss off though. You don’t want big companies coming after you and getting yourself sued.
Tip #5: Produce awesome content. This is something I talk about time and time again on my blog. If you don’t write quality / interesting content then people won’t follow your blog. You want to write about things you are interested in and things people would be interested in reading. Things such as TOP X List or information that no one has heard of. Or talk about just recently breaking information in the area your blog is about. Just anything that grabs people’s attention. If it is something you’d find super fascinating then chances are your readers will find it interesting as well.
So there you have it. 5 great tips on how to turn your blog around and make it a success. Please keep in mind this list only has some of the answers and there are a lot of points not covered in this post. If I was to go through every point we’d be here all day.
If you have any other points you’d like to add feel free to comment below
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